Archive for August, 2010

Inc.: Wharton Entrepreneurship Environment Stronger with WEP

August 12, 2010

MBA Career Management’s Rebecca Hollander is quoted in an INC article focused on how growth firms can recruit students at top schools like Wharton. Rebecca explains that the entrepreneurial environment at Wharton is strong and that the Wharton Entrepreneurial Internship is offered as an example of how Wharton encourages such relationships. MORE

Financial Times: VIP Incubator Members Highlighted

August 5, 2010

2003 Wharton Business Plan Competition grand prize winners and former Wharton VIP incubator members, Natasha and Chris Ashton, are featured in the Financial Times. The article touches on the issue of diversification for growth firms and Assoc Prof. David Hsu is also quoted on the questions entrepreneurs should ask before branching out into new business lines. MORE