Archive for the ‘VC’ Category

VC Post: San Francisco-based FundersClub launches “Hacker News for private investors”

February 19, 2014
FundersClub, co-founded by Alex Mittal, M&T’07 and VIP alumnus, has launched “Venture News”–what Alex calls “Hacker News for private investors.”

Way to community-build, Alex! MORE

Fast Company: A VC’s Office Designed To Put Nervous Entrepreneurs At Ease

February 19, 2014
“If a founder can leave a meeting and feel like I’ve asked them things they haven’t thought of before or just slightly change their perspective on what they’re doing, I think that’s a win,” says Phin Barnes WG’09, partner at First Round Capital.

He designed his office to set entrepreneurs at ease, so they can have a real conversation and make a better pitch. MORE